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шоколад кесегі
For 90% of its history, from about 1500 B.C.E. when it was made as a drink by the Olmecs in Mesoamerica, chocolate was only a beverage. Solid chocolate was not created until 1847. Then, Arthur Fry, the great-grandson of the founder of Joseph Fry & Company, then managing the family business, discovered a way to mix some of the cocoa butter back into the “Dutched” chocolate (cocoa powder). He added sugar, creating a paste that he molded into the world’s first chocolate bar, which was called chocolate for eating to distinguish it from drinking chocolate. It was rough and gritty, not the smooth, velvety bar we enjoy today. It took another 32 years for Rodolphe Lindt to invent the conching machine to improve the texture of chocolate.
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