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Социология; Общие термины по социологии

Combination of the words frickin and tired. Feeling of extreme exhaustion with desire to do nothing.


Технологии; Информационные технологии

Transgooglation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by using Google Translate to achieve the equivalent ...


Язык; Сленг

English that is badly spoken by first-language English speakers. Doglish results from the blend of "doggish" (= mean, bad) and ...


Язык; Интернет-мемы

Thanks to the clever journalist who coined 'Brangelina' many years ago, the world has developed an insatiable thirst for more ...


Зоология; Зоологические термины

A dog species that is a mix between a rottweiler and a labrador retriever.


Общая категория; Разное

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.


Любовь; Знакомства

Unrelated to its common meanings, here "live" means the subtle state in which a person likes another person a lot, but he or she ...


Психология; Общие термины по психологии

An individual that studies, organizes and interprets a person's strengths and fears through the recollection of expressed words ...


Наука; Основы естественных наук

The act of thoroughly enjoying deductive reasoning to a point where you 'get off' when you deduce correctly.


Любовь; Романтическая любовь

A blend of extra and sprize: something lovers give each other in romantic journey. Like giving more than one present or ...


Деловое администрирование; Entrepreneurship

Business wisdom or wisdom underlying any business idea.


Развлечения; Массовая культура

An adjective used to describe anything that makes one, who is completely alone, laugh at extreme volumes in an effort to draw ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

As the world’s largest terminology wiki, is proud to provide a platform for you to introduce and share new terms that will shape the future of your field. In return, you will be forever credited for having coined your terms.

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