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Patent & trademark

Terms related to patent and trademark applications and infringement litigations. A patent is a form of intellectual property and associated rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or their assignee for a limited period of time. A trademark, on the other hand, is a distinctive mark or name used by an individual or business organization to identify and distinguish its products or services from those of other entities.

Contributors in Патенты и торговые марки

Patent & trademark

переходная фраза

Юридические услуги; Патенты и торговые марки

a word or phrase that serves to link or create a relationship between one idea or concept and another.

агент (патент)

Юридические услуги; Патенты и торговые марки

(may be referred to as a practitioner or representative) - one who is not an attorney but is authorized to act for or in place of the applicant(s) before the Office, that is, an individual who is ...

уведомление об отказе

Юридические услуги; Патенты и торговые марки

a written notification from the USPTO that an application has been declared abandoned or, in other words, is no longer pending. If the application was abandoned unintentionally or due to Office ...

номер клиента

Юридические услуги; Патенты и торговые марки

(previously referred to as "payor number") - a number assigned by the Office that is used to simplify the submission of an address change, to appoint a practitioner, or to designate the fee address ...

учрежденческая АТС (УАТС)

Юридические услуги; Патенты и торговые марки

a telephony term describing a private telephone network used within an enterprise. Users of the PBX share a certain number of outside lines for making external telephone calls.

Продолжение использования

Юридические услуги; Патенты и торговые марки

--см. раздел 8 Декларации продолжение использования

Серийный код

Юридические услуги; Патенты и торговые марки

две цифры-код, представляющий определенный период времени. Дата подачи приложения - примеры: серии 06 01/01/1979-12/31/1986; 01/01/1987-12/31/1992 серии 07; 01/01/1993-12/31/1997 серии 08; ...

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