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Cultural anthropology

Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.

Contributors in Культурная антропология

Cultural anthropology

удельное сопротивление земли

Антропология; Культурная антропология

A method of subsurface detection which measures changes in conductivity by passing electrical current through ground soils. This is generally a consequence of moisture content, and in this way, ...

рыночный обмен

Антропология; Культурная антропология

A mode of exchange which implies both a specific location for transactions and the sort of social relations where bargaining can occur. It usually involves a system of price-making through ...

взаимный обмен

Антропология; Культурная антропология

A mode of exchange in which transactions take place between individuals who are symmetrically placed, i. E. They are exchanging as equals, neither being in a dominant position.


Антропология; Культурная антропология

A microscopic particle that causes nervous system diseases in nonhuman animals and has been implicated as the cause of kuru. The prion appears to be composed of protein and lacks any nucleic acid.

индуцированная мутация

Антропология; Культурная антропология

Мутации, вызванные человека сделал условия.

жевательная мышца

Антропология; Культурная антропология

A muscle of chewing that arises on the mandible and inserts on the zygomatic arch of the skull.


Антропология; Культурная антропология

Метод снимок плода с помощью звуковых волн.

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