Home > Blossary: Instructions for use
Terminology used in the instructions for use for ophthalmic implants, surgical tools & instruments, OVDs, ophthalmic irrigating fluids


3 Terms

Created by: Leoneska

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

אריזה היא המדע, האמנות והטכנולוגיה של צירוף או הגנת מוצרים להפצה, אחסון, מכירה, ושימוש. אריזה גם מתייחסת לתהליך של עיצוב, הערכה, וייצור של אריזות. אריזה יכולה להיות מתוארת כמערכת מתואמת של הכנת מוצרים לתחבורה, אחסנה, לוגיסטיקה, מכירה ושימוש קצה. אריזה מכילה, מגן, שומרים, משלוחים, מודיעים, ומוכרים. [1] במדינות רבות זה משולב באופן מלא לממשלה, עסק שימוש, מוסדי, תעשייתי, ובאופן אישי.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: 

Emballage er videnskab, kunst og teknologi af omslutter eller beskytte produkter for distribution, opbevaring, salg og anvendelse. Emballagen også henviser til processen af design, evaluering og produktion af pakker. Emballage kan betegnes som en koordineret system af forberede varer til transport, lager, logistik, salg og slutanvendelse. Emballagen indeholder, beskytter, bevarer, transporterer, informerer, og sælger.[1] I mange lande er det fuldt ud integreret i regeringen, business, institutionelle, industrielle og personlig brug.

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: 

תיאור הצהרה מציגים משהו במילים, מן הפועל לתאר

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Biochemistry; Biofuel; Biomedical; Behavioral science; Cancer treatment; Dentistry; Diseases; Hematology; Hospitals; Medical research; Nursing homes; Psychiatry; Vaccines; Regulatory; Herbal medicine; Histology; Medicine; Cardiac supplies; Clinical analytical instruments; Clinical trials; Dental equipment; Dermatology instruments; Emergency room apparatus; ENT instruments; Eye instruments; General assay & diagnostic instruments; Implants & interventional materials; Medical cryogenic equipment; OBGYN equipment; Orthopaedic supplies; Pharmacology instruments; Physical therapy equipment; Radiology equipment; Sterilization equipment; Surgical instruments; Ultrasonic & optical equipment; Ward nursing equipment

Beskrivelse en erklæring præsentere noget i ord, fra verbet beskrive

Domain: Biotechnology; Health care; Life Sciences; Medical; Medical devices; Regulatory; Category: Biochemistry; Biofuel; Biomedical; Behavioral science; Cancer treatment; Dentistry; Diseases; Hematology; Hospitals; Medical research; Nursing homes; Psychiatry; Vaccines; Regulatory; Herbal medicine; Histology; Medicine; Cardiac supplies; Clinical analytical instruments; Clinical trials; Dental equipment; Dermatology instruments; Emergency room apparatus; ENT instruments; Eye instruments; General assay & diagnostic instruments; Implants & interventional materials; Medical cryogenic equipment; OBGYN equipment; Orthopaedic supplies; Pharmacology instruments; Physical therapy equipment; Radiology equipment; Sterilization equipment; Surgical instruments; Ultrasonic & optical equipment; Ward nursing equipment

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