Contributors in Физическая география

Physical geography

конечная морена

География; Физическая география

Месторождения нагрузки осуществляется по краям ледника.

медиальная морена

География; Физическая география

Deposits of the load carried in the middle of the glacier where two lateral moraines came together from tributary glacier.

нагон волны

География; Физическая география

Distance wind has travelled over open water to create waves.


География; Физическая география

Downward movement of clay particles through a soil in suspension as water passes through.


География; Физическая география

Условия размещение кусок земли.

долинный ледник

География; Физическая география

A glacier which extends from a larger body of ice, often in a corrie, and moves downslope, initially following existing river channels but increasingly cutting its own bigger, straighter trough.

укрупнение земельного хозяйства

География; Физическая география

The consolidation of fragmented land parcels, split by inheritance practices over many years, back into larger units.

Избранные глоссарии

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