Contributors in Операционные системы

Operating systems


Программное обеспечение; Операционные системы

A lightweight reference to files and folders in Mac OS Standard (HFS) and Mac OS Extended (HFS+) file systems. An alias allows multiple references to files and folders without requiring multiple ...

требование к устновке

Программное обеспечение; Операционные системы

A condition that the target computer or volume of an installation must meet in order for the installation to take place. The two types of installation requirements are system requirements and volume ...

контекстная форма

Программное обеспечение; Операционные системы

An alternate form of a glyph whose use depends on the glyph’s placement in a word.

контекстное меню

Программное обеспечение; Операционные системы

A menu that appears when the user presses the Control key and clicks an interface item. A contextual menu provides convenient access to frequently used commands associated with the item.

балансировка нагрузки

Программное обеспечение; Операционные системы

A technique used to distribute user-load among the instances of an application. When multiple instances of an application are running and a new user accesses the application, the WebObjects adaptor ...

операция устновки

Программное обеспечение; Операционные системы

Installation activity performed by an executable file that is invoked at a specific point during the installation process.

Избранные глоссарии

Russian Actors

Категория: Искусство   1 20 Terms

Tex Mex Cuisine

Категория: Food   4 19 Terms