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Islam is a monotheistic and Abramic religion stating the Quran as it's religious text being stated verbatim from God, it is also lead by the teachings of Mohammad the last prophet of God. An adherent to Islam is called a Muslim.

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One of the Five Pillars, hajj means "pilgrimmage," representing the requirement that every able Muslim must make a pilgrimmage to Mecca at least once during his/her lifetime.

Ид аль-Адха

Религия; Ислам

One of the two major Islamic festivals, 'Id al-Adha means "Feast of the Sacrifice," which signifies the hajj's end.


Религия; Ислам

Jihad means "striving," describing the holy war Muslims undertake to defend Islam against its enemies.


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The religion that was founded by Muhammad, "islam" means "to surrender", in the context of surrendering one's will to God.


Религия; Ислам

Коран является основой текста ислама. Считается, что ангел Гавриил раскрыты Коран Мухаммаду в разделах, за 20-летний ...


Религия; Ислам

Имя для белой ткани носили во время хаджа, или паломничество в Мекку.

Ид аль-Фитр

Религия; Ислам

One of the two major Islamic festivals, 'Id al-Fitr means "Feast of the Breaking of the Fast," a holiday that is celebrated at the end of Ramadan.

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