Contributors in География



География; География

Mauritius is an island nation off the southeast coast of the African continent in the southwest Indian Ocean, about 900 kilometres (560 mi) east of Madagascar. In addition to the island of Mauritius, ...


География; География

The Maldives, also referred to as the Maldive Islands, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean formed by a double chain of twenty-six atolls stretching in a north-south direction off India's ...


География; География

Республика Малави — государство в Юго-Восточной Африке, который ранее был известен как Ньясаленд. Она граничит с Замбии на северо-западе, Танзания на северо-востоке и Мозамбик на на Востоке, юге и ...


География; География

Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia. It consists of thirteen states and three federal territories and has a total landmass of 329,847 square kilometres (127,350 sq mi). It ...


География; География

Мозамбик, официально Республика Мозамбик является страной в Юго-Восточной Африке, граничит с Индийского океана на Востоке, Танзания на севере, Малави и Замбией, на северо-западе, Зимбабве на западе и ...


География; География

Namibia, officially the Republic of Namibia is a country in southern Africa whose western border is the Atlantic Ocean. It was formerly known as German South-West Africa (Sued-West Afrika), ...

Новая Каледония

География; География

New Caledonia is a special collectivity of France. It is located in the subregion of Melanesia in the southwest Pacific. It comprises a main island (Grande Terre), the Loyalty Islands, and several ...

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