Contributors in Общая химия

General chemistry


Химия; Общая химия

A device that senses temperature changes by using a pair of joined wires made of dissimilar metals that produces a voltage that changes with temperature.


Химия; Общая химия

Изолированные сосуд для измерения количества тепла поглощается или выпущенная химические или физические изменения. ...


Химия; Общая химия

1. An -OH group within a molecule. 2. A free radical formed by abstraction of a hydrogen atom from water.


Химия; Общая химия

Precision is reproducibility. Saying "These measurements are precise" is the same as saying, "The same measurement was repeated several times, and the measurements were all very close to one ...


Химия; Общая химия

An ionic compound formed by removal of hydrogen ions from the hydroxyl group in an alcohol using reactive metals, e. g. sodium. For example, potassium metal reacts with methanol (CH3OH) to produce ...


Химия; Общая химия

Two molecules that are nonsuperimposable mirror images of each other. One enantiomer rotates plane-polarized light to the left; the other rotates it to the right.

нейтронно-активационный анализ

Химия; Общая химия

An extremely sensitive technique for analyzing trace amounts of elements in a sample. The sample is bombarded with neutrons in a nuclear reactor, making it radioactive. Different elements produce ...

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