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Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine that studies the digestive system and its disorders.

Contributors in Гастроэнтерология



Медицина; Гастроэнтерология

A small pouch in the colon. These pouches are not painful and harmful unless they become inflamed.

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Медицина; Гастроэнтерология

A gland that makes the hormone insulin and enzymes and fluids for digestion.


Медицина; Гастроэнтерология

A rare disorder of the esophagus making it difficult to swallow food because the muscle at the end of the esophagus does not relax enough for the passage to open.

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Медицина; Гастроэнтерология

An ulcer in the lining of the first part of the small intestine, also called the duodenum.


Медицина; Гастроэнтерология

The most common cause of infectious diarrhea in the united states, especially in children less than 2 years old. Children between the ages of 6 to 32 weeks can be vaccinated against the virus. (Brand ...


Медицина; Гастроэнтерология

Протеолитический фермент пищеварительного тракта, расщепляющий белки и пептиды.

нижний пищеводный жом

Медицина; Гастроэнтерология

Аномальные кольцо из ткани, которые могут частично блокировать нижней пищевода.

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