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Family law
Law that deals with family-related issues such as spousal abuse, legitimacy, adoption, surrogacy, child abuse, and child abduction.
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Family law
подтверждение о вручении документов
Юридические услуги; Семейное право
The document proving that the other party was formally served. Generally, you only need a proof of service at the beginning of the case to prove the defendant received the complaint and summons ...
Юридические услуги; Семейное право
The person who starts a case that uses petitions rather than complaints to start the case. In family cases, the terms petitioner and respondent are used in domestic violence cases and dissolutions. ...
об опекунстве и посещении план
Юридические услуги; Семейное право
The plan describing how the parents will be involved in their children's life, recognizing that children of different ages have different needs and that the plan will also change if one or both of ...
Юридические услуги; Семейное право
To separate legal issues for decision. The judge usually issues one final order that decides all of the issues in a case. For example, in a divorce case, the final decree ends the marriage, divides ...
окончательное судебное решение
Юридические услуги; Семейное право
The final decision in a case, which is generally issued by the court after the trial. A final decree is the same thing as a decree. In certain circumstances you may wish to appeal this order, in ...
Юридические услуги; Семейное право
A series of periodic payments, usually for life, payable monthly or at other specified intervals. The term is frequently used to describe the part of a retirement allowance financed by employer ...