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Cultural anthropology
Of or pertaining to the branch of anthropology that examines culture as a scientifically meaningful concept.
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Cultural anthropology
Антропология; Культурная антропология
Общественно признанный союз двух или более людей. Это универсальный метод регулирования гетеросексуальными, определяя кто является приемлемым в качестве сексуального партнера, а кто нет. Брак ...
Антропология; Культурная антропология
The spanish and latin american ideal of men being confident, strong, dignified, brave, overtly masculine, and sexually active. This ideal of a macho , or "real man", was brought to the new world from ...
матрицентрическая семья
Антропология; Культурная антропология
A nuclear family in which there is no continuing adult male functioning as a husband/father. This man is missing due to death, divorce, abandonment, or no marriage having taken place. In such ...
Антропология; Культурная антропология
Using ritual formulas to compel or influence supernatural beings or powers to act in certain ways for good or evil purposes. By performing certain magical acts in a particular way, crops might be ...
рыночная экономика
Антропология; Культурная антропология
An impersonal but highly efficient system of production, distribution, and exchange that is principally characterized by: 1) the use of money as a means of exchange, 2) having the ability to ...
двойственное наследование
Антропология; Культурная антропология
The cognatic pattern of descent in which an individual is both a member of his mother's matrilineage and his father's patrilineage. Also known as "double descent. " this is not the same as bilateral ...
явные функции
Антропология; Культурная антропология
Functions that are obvious and easily discovered even by strangers (e. G. , building a bridge to get to quickly get across a narrow waterway). See latent functions.
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