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Cold war

The Cold war(1947-1991) was a period of military and political tension between the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc dominated by the USSR. Military conflict was avoided because the use of nuclear weapons would mean mutually assured destruction.

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Cold war

Стратегическая оборонная инициатива (СОИ)

Военное дело; Холодная война

An ABM research program dedicated to finding technology to destroy incoming ICBMs. It was begun in 1983, after Reagan's "Star Wars" speech in which he called on the nation's scientific community to ...

Соглашение о статусе вооружённых сил (ССВС)

Военное дело; Холодная война

SOFAs, which establish legal rights and protocols, are negotiated between the United States and each country in which American forces are deployed.

соревнование в области космических исследований

Военное дело; Холодная война

The superpower competition in space exploration technology that paralleled the Cold War competition in arms developments.

доктрина Трумэна

Военное дело; Холодная война

Truman pledged in 1947 to defend "free people who are resisting armed subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures. " The policy was aimed at providing economic and military support to those ...

Варшавский договор

Военное дело; Холодная война

Подписано в 1955 году, он систематизировал Восток-Запад разделены и для взаимной обороны среди Албании, Болгарии, Чехословакии, Восточной Германии, Венгрия, Польша, Румыния и Советский ...

Договор об ограничении стратегических вооружений (ДОСВ-1)

Военное дело; Холодная война

Signed in 1972, it froze numbers of ICBMs and SLBMs in place for 5 years and restricted the deployment of ABMs.

система противоракетной обороны

Военное дело; Холодная война

ПРО ракеты были нацелены на входящих ракет. Развертывание ограничена 1972 договора по про.

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