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Catholic church

The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Contributors in Католическая церковь

Catholic church


Религия; Католическая церковь

According to the creation story in Genesis, the first woman; wife of Adam. God did not create man a solitary being; from the beginning, "male and female he created them" (Gen 1:29) (369, 375). ...


Религия; Католическая церковь

An "elder" or priest, a member of the order of priesthood; the presbyterate is one of the three degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders (1536, 1554). Presbyters or priests are co-workers with their ...


Религия; Католическая церковь

Обожание и честь Богу, который является первым актом добродетелью религии (2096). Общественное богослужение дается Богу в церкви празднования пасхальной тайне Христа в литургии ...


Религия; Католическая церковь

According to the creation story in Genesis, the first man. From this story the Church has learned that humanity was originally created in a state of holiness and justice and that the first ancestors ...

удовлетворение за грех

Религия; Католическая церковь

Акт, согласно которому грешника делает загладить свою вину за грех, особенно в возмещении Богу за преступления против него. Предоставленные Исповедник в таинство покаяния покаяние представляет собой ...


Религия; Католическая церковь

A witness to the truth of the faith, in which the martyr endures even death to be faithful to Christ. Those who die for the faith before having received Baptism are said to have received a "baptism ...


Религия; Католическая церковь

A vice contrary by defect to the virtue of religion. Irreligion directs us away from rendering to God what we as creatures owe him in justice (2095, 2110).

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