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The art or practice of writing or producing dramatic works via any artistic medium.

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Драма > Опера


Драма; Опера

Театр музыки в театральных или стадии производства с музыкой, будучи основным средством.


Драма; Опера

From the Italian word for obstinate: A short motif in a melody or rhythm, which is repeated throughout a section or an entire composition.


Драма; Опера

A composition for orchestra used to introduce a theme or large work of music.


Драма; Опера

“speaking”; The term directs the singer to imitate speech in singing. An example of this syle is the ‘patter songs’ of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas, such as the Lord High ...


Драма; Опера

An Italian word which means ‘very soft’ or ‘very quiet’ (softer than ‘piano’).


Драма; Опера

1. A large stringed musical instrument with a keyboard which is used as accompaniment with voices in an opera.. 2. An Italian word meaning ‘soft’ or ‘quite’ which is used to ...


Драма; Опера

A direction in music for an instrument to be plucked with the fingers instead of bowed.