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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Химия > Неорганическая химия


Химия; Неорганическая химия

An unstable compound of a strong base and ferric oxide which exists in alkaline solution, such as NaFeO 2 .

сульфид олова

Химия; Неорганическая химия

SnS 2 A yellow-brown powder; insoluble in water, soluble in alkaline sulfides; decomposes at red heat; used as a pigment and for imitation gilding. Also known as artificial gold; ...

молибденовокислый аммоний

Химия; Неорганическая химия

(NH 4 ) 2 MoO 4 White, crystalline salt used as an analytic reagent, as a precipitant of phosphoric acid, and in pigments.

пятиокись; пентаоксид

Химия; Неорганическая химия

A compound that is binary and has five atoms of oxygen; for example, phosphorus pentoxide, P 2 O 5 .

бромистое олово; двубромистое олово

Химия; Неорганическая химия

SnBr 2 A yellow powder; soluble in water, alcohol, acetone, ether, and dilute hydrochloric acid; browns in air; melts at 215_C. Also known as tin bromide.

азотнокислый аммоний

Химия; Неорганическая химия

NH 4 NO 3 A colorless crystalline salt; very insensitive and stable high explosive; also used as a fertilizer.