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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Химия > Неорганическая химия

йодистое серебро

Химия; Неорганическая химия

AgI А бледно желтый порошок, нерастворимый в воде, растворим в растворах йодида калия натрия хлорида и гидроксида аммония; тает в 556_C; используется в медицине, фотографии и ...

селенид цинка

Химия; Неорганическая химия

ZnSe A water-insoluble, moderately toxic, yellow to reddish solid that is a fire hazard when in contact with water and acids; melts above 1100_C; used as infrared optical windows.

бромид меди; бромистая медь

Химия; Неорганическая химия

CuBr 2 Black prismatic crystals; used in photography as an intensifier and in organic synthesis as a brominating agent. Also known as copper bromide.

угольная кислота

Химия; Неорганическая химия

H 2 CO 3 The acid formed by combination of carbon dioxide and water.

карбонат цинка

Химия; Неорганическая химия

ZnCO 3 White crystals that are insoluble in water, soluble in alkalies and acids; used in ceramics and ointments, and as a fireproofing agent and feed additive.

кобальт-калиевый нитрит

Химия; Неорганическая химия

K 3 Co(NO 2 ) 6 A yellow powder which decomposes at the melting point of 200_C; used in medicine and as a yellow pigment. Also known as cobalt yellow; Fischer’s salt; potassium ...