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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Химия > Неорганическая химия

субсалицилат висмута

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Bi(C 7 H 5 O) 3 Bi 2 O 3 A white powder that is insoluble in ethanol and water; used in medicine and as a fungicide for tobacco crops.

перекись калия

Химия; Неорганическая химия

K 2 O 2 Yellow mass with a melting point of 490_C; decomposes with oxygen evolution in water; used as an oxidizing and bleaching agent.

карбид титана

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Крестики очень жесткий серый кристаллов нерастворимых в воде, растворим в азотной кислоты и aqua regia, плавится при о 3140_C; используется в металлокерамику, дуговой плавки ...

теллурид висмута

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Bi 2 Te 3 Gray, hexagonal platelets with a melting point of 573_C; used for semiconductors, thermoelectric cooling, and power generation applications.

нитрат лантана

Химия; Неорганическая химия

La(NO 3 ) 3 _6H 2 O Hygroscopic white crystals melting at 40_C; soluble in alcohol and water; used as an antiseptic and in gas mantles.

персульфат калия

Химия; Неорганическая химия

K 2 S 2 O 8 White, water-soluble crystals, decomposing below 100_C; used for bleaching and textile desizing, as an oxidizing agent and antiseptic, and in the manufacture of soap ...

дихлорид титана

Химия; Неорганическая химия

TiCl 2 A flammable, alcohol-soluble, black powder that decomposes in water, and in vacuum at 475_C, and burns in air. Also known as titanium chloride.