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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Химия > Неорганическая химия

рутений красный

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Ru 2 (OH) 2 Cl 4 _7NH 3 _3H 2 O A water-soluble, brownish-red powder; used as an analytical reagent and stain.

нитрат висмута; азотнокислый висмут

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Bi(NO 3 ) 3 _5H 2 O White, triclinic crystals that decompose in water; used as an astringent and antiseptic.

роданид свинца;

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Pb(SCN) 2 Yellow, monoclinic crystals, soluble in potassium thiocyanate and slightly soluble in water; used in the powder mixture that primes small arm cartridges, in dyes, and ...

сульфат рубидия

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Rb 2 SO 4 Colorless, water-soluble rhomboid crystals, melting at 1060_C; used as a cathartic.

гидрид урана

Химия; Неорганическая химия

UH 3 A highly toxic, gray to black powder that ignites spontaneously in air, and that conducts electricity; used for making powdered uranium metal, for hydrogen-isotope ...


Химия; Неорганическая химия

M 2 Se A binary compound of divalent selenium, such as Ag 2 Se, silver selenide.

пятиокись ванадия

Химия; Неорганическая химия

V 2 O 5 A toxic, yellow to red powder, soluble in alkalies and acids, slightly soluble in water; melts at 690_C; used in medicine, as a catalyst, as a ceramics coloring, for ...