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The study of human beings and human ancestors through time. Focuses on relation to physical characteristics, environmental effects, social relations and culture. The science of humans.
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Антропология > Физическая антропология
половая хромосома
Антропология; Физическая антропология
The X and Y chromosomes which are responsible for determining whether an individual is a male or a female. Normal males inherit an X from their mother and a Y from their father. ...
эпоха олигоцена
Антропология; Физическая антропология
Третий геологическая эпоха кайнозойской эры. Олигоцена произошло примерно 33. 9-23 миллиона лет ...
Антропология; Физическая антропология
The study of the prehistory or early history of societies and their cultures. Unlike paleoanthropology, the focus of archaeology is mainly on the material remains of culture ...
кристаллическая решетка
Антропология; Физическая антропология
The three-dimensional pattern of a crystalline solid. There are characteristic lattice patterns identified for different minerals.
Антропология; Физическая антропология
The study of the fossil and archaeological record of humans and their primate ancestors. It is also known as "human paleontology. "
Антропология; Физическая антропология
The study of population characteristics, especially its size, density, and growth patterns.
генетическое равновесие
Антропология; Физическая антропология
Ситуация, в которой население не развиваются из поколения в поколение--то есть, частоты генофонда населения остаются неизменными. ...
- Археология (76)
- Культурная антропология (31040)
- Мифология (5625)
- Прикладная антропология (144)
- Судебная антропология (31)
- Физическая антропология (13414)
- Этнология (33)