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A branch of physical science that is concerned with the study of matter and energy and how they interact.

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Химия > Неорганическая химия


Химия; Неорганическая химия

Комплекс кислот металлов, чей удельный вес больше, чем 4, с фосфорной кислотой; примером является phosphomolybdic ...

соль платинацианистоводородной кислоты

Химия; Неорганическая химия

A double salt of platinous cyanide and another cyanide, such as K 2 Pt(CN) 4 ; used in photography and fluorescent x-ray screens. Also known as cyanoplatinate.

ванадат железа

Химия; Неорганическая химия

Fe(VO 3 ) 3 Grayish-brown powder, insoluble in water and alcohol; used in metallurgy. Also known as iron metavanadate.

трёхйодистый фосфор

Химия; Неорганическая химия

PI 3 Hygroscopic, red crystals, melting at 61_C; soluble in alcohol and carbon disulfide; decomposes in water; used in organic syntheses.

серная кислота

Химия; Неорганическая химия

H 2 SO 4 A toxic, corrosive, strongly acid, colorless liquid that is miscible with water and dissolves most metals, and melts at 10_C; used in industry in the manufacture of ...

окись мышьяка; трёхокись мышьяка

Химия; Неорганическая химия

As 2 O 3 A toxic compound, slightly soluble in water; octahedral crystals change to the monoclinic form by heating at 200_C; occurs naturally as arsenolite and claudetite; used ...

жёлтый мышьяк

Химия; Неорганическая химия

As 2 S 3 An acidic compound in the form of yellow or red monoclinic crystals with a melting point at 300_C; occurs as the mineral orpiment; used as a pigment.