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Database error when importing glossaries

Hi guys, Is anyone else experiencing problems when trying to import glossaries? I keep getting the same database error message, no matter how many terms I try importing at the same time. Any advice would be much appreciated. This has been going on for almost 2 weeks now and I still haven't received a straight answer... Thanks Federica
Forum: TermWiki
federica.masante 21:21, 3 June 2011
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  • Flow 23:07, 10 January 2012

    Hi... I'd like to know if you do not make it to the required amount of terms by the deadline is another deadline allocated or is the contract terminated?


    Thanks...keep me posted.

    16:27, 14 January 2012


    Hi Flow, Unfortunately we cannot extend the deadline, but we will be starting new translation campaigns that you are welcome to sign up for.

    08:12, 13 January 2012

  • Teditor 03:09, 5 June 2011

    Hi Federica, it will be great if you can provide more info about the error. In any event, this is on the list to fix for next week.