Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
To rehearse an edit without actually performing edits.
a) Usually used as a synonym for encryption, controlled disordering of a signal to prevent unauthorized reception. b) Sometimes used to describe controlled disorganization of a signal to improve its robustness. This form is more often called shuffling. c) To transpose or invert digital data according to a prearranged scheme in order to break up the lowfrequency patterns associated with serial digital signals. d) The digital signal is shuffled to produce a better spectral distribution. e) The alteration of the characteristics of a video, audio, or coded data stream in order to prevent unauthorized reception of the information in a clear form. This alteration is a specified process under the control of a conditional access system.
Circuit that provides sync signals. A sync generator may or may not have genlock capability.
A vertical synchronizing pulse contains a number of small notches called vertical serrations.
This term is obsolete; “blanking level” is preferred.
Reference pictures are the nearest adjacent I or P pictures to the current picture in display order.
First company to sell an HDEP recorder, making HDEP practical. Also the strongest HDEP proponent, spending a great deal to promote it and going so far as to display the products of some of its competitors, as long as they complied with the 1125 scanning-line system.
The addition of text, symbols, and graphic elements to a video image. Titles may be added to a video scene during shooting or in postproduction. Sophisticated titling devices allow the user to prepare text and graphics in various sizes, fonts, and colors to be triggered later, one-byone, at appropriate places within a production. Many video cameras include basic titlers or permit externally-generated titles to be mixed with the video image during shooting. The Video TitleMaker 2000 is a powerful tool for titling.
The object carousel specification has been added in order to support data broadcast services that require the periodic broadcasting of DSM-CC User-User (U-U) Objects through DVB compliant broadcast networks, specifically as defined by DVB Systems for Interactive Services (SIS). Data broadcast according to the DVB object carousel specification is transmitted according to the DSM-CC Object Carousel and DSM-CC Data Carousel specification which are defined in MPEG-2 DSM-CC.
A processor function allowing the operator to select any incoming video source for viewing prior to actual use. Typically, each signal can be previewed on its own monitor. This is an effective method to check work before going “on the air.” The Digital Video Mixer includes a separate preview output which can be used to preview all four of its video input signals on-screen simultaneously.