Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
An MPEG video frame incorporating intraframe compression where only the information in a single frame is considered. Unlike P and B frames, I frames do not take redundancy between adjacent frames into account. I Frame encoding compresses at up to a 6:1 ratio before noticeable
Joint Photographic Expert Group. JPEG is a high-quality, single-picture spatial compression standard for still video images that allows the image to occupy less memory or disc space. Uses DCT algorithm (Discrete Cosine Transfer). Has been adapted to video but provides no frame compression. Like the MPEG standard, it includes options for trading off between storage space and image quality.
LZW Compression is the algorithm used by the Unix compress command to reduce the size of files, eg. for archival or transmission. The algorithm relies on repetition of byte sequences (strings) in its input. It maintains a table mapping input strings to their associated output codes. The table initially contains mappings for all possible strings of length one. Input is taken one byte at a time to find the longest initial string present in the table. The code for that string is output and then the string is extended with one more input byte, b. A new entry is added to the table mapping the extended string to the next unused code (obtained by incrementing a counter). The process repeats, starting from byte b. The number of bits in an output code, and hence the maximum number of entries in the table is usually fixed and once this limit is reached, no more entries are added.
NTSC (National Television System Committee) is the USA video standard with image format 4:3, 525 lines, 60 Hz and 4 Mhz video bandwidth with a total 6 Mhz of video channel width. NTSC uses (YIQ)
PAL (Phase Alternating Line) is the European video standard with image format 4:3, 625 lines, 50 Hz and 4 Mhz video bandwidth with a total 8 Mhz of video channel width. PAL uses (YUV).
The uncompressed bit rates for transmitting QCIF at 29.97 frames/sec is 9.115 Mbit/s.
Artistic effects added to a video production in order to enhance the production by creating drama, enhancing the mood or furthering the story. Special effects may vary from the limited addition of patterns or the mixing of several video images together, to sophisticated digital effects such as picture compression, page flipping and three-dimensional effects. Special effects are usually created using segs.
Type of video signal used in Hi8, S-VHS and some laserdisc formats. It transmits luminance and colour portions separately, using multiple wires thereby keeping any signal interaction (degradation) to a minimum. S-Video avoids composite video encoding, such as NTSC, and the resulting loss of picture quality. Also known as Y/C Video.
The T1Q1.5 Video Teleconferencing/Video Telephony (VTC/VT) ANSI Subworking Group (SWG) was formed to draught a performance standard for digital video. Important questions were asked, relating to video digital performance characteristics of video teleconferencing/video telephony: - Is it possible to measure motion artefacts with VTC/VT digital transport? - If it can be done by objective measurements, can they be matched to subjective tests? - Is it possible to correlate the objective measurements of analogue and digital performance specification? The VTC/VT Subworking Group's goal is to answer these questions. It has become a first step to the process of constructing the performance standard.
Power of ten by which a number is multiplied, used in floating point representation. For example, the exponent in the decimal number 0.9873 x 10 7 is 7.