Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
A group comprised almost exclusively of presidents, chief executive officers, and chairs of the boards of major broadcasting, CATV, consumer electronics, and entertainment production companies. It is currently supported by a planning subcommittee (with two advisory groups and six working parties), a systems subcommittee (with four working parties), and an implementation subcommittee (with two working parties). ACATS is an entity under the FCC, and is the approving body of advanced TV in the USA., ACATS recommended the ATSC digital TV system to the FCC in November 1995.
Created by seven broadcasting organisations to test different broadcast ATV systems. See also Cable Labs.
Although sometimes used interchangeably, advanced and high-definition television (HDTV) are not one and the same. Advanced television (ATV) would distribute wide-screen television signals with resolution substantially better than current systems. It requires changes to current emission regulations, including transmission standards. In addition, ATV would offer at least two-channel, CD-quality audio.
A) Informal name for a digital audio standard established jointly by the Audio Engineering Society and European Broadcasting Union organizations. b) The serial transmission format standardised for professional digital audio signals (AES3-1992 AES Recommended practise for Digital Audio Engineering – Serial Transmission Format for Two-Channel Linearly Represented Digital Audio Data). c) A specification using time-division multiplex for data, and balanced line drivers to transmit two channels of digital audio data on a single twisted-pair cable using 3-pin (XLR) connectors. Peak-to-peak values are between 3 and 1-V with driver and cable impedance specified as 110 ohms.
Specification titled “AES recommended practise for digital audio engineering – Serial transmission format for two channel linearity represented digital audio data.” AES/EBU digital audio standard that is the result of cooperation between the US based AES and the European based EBU.
A video edit which starts on the first frame of the 5 video frame (4 film frame) sequence created when 24-frame film is transferred to 30 frame. The A-frame is the only frame in the sequence where a film frame is completely reproduced on one complete video frame. Here is the full sequence. (The letters correspond to the film frames.) A-frame = video fields 1&2, B-frame = video fields 1&2&1, C-frame = video fields 2&1, D-frame = video fields 2&1&2.
A form of modulation where the level of the baseband information affects the level of the carrier. See Amplitude Modulation.
A MAC (Multiplexed analogue Component) with audio and data frequency multiplexed before modulation. See also MAC.
An organisation of manufacturers more associated with computers and communications than is the EIA. The AEA has established an ATV Task Force, the members of which include: AT&T, Apple Computer, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Motorola.
ANSI is a voluntary and privately funded business standards group in the USA. ANSI seeks to promote and to facilitate consensus standards nationally, and is internationally engaged as the sole US member of the ISO. The members of ANSI consist of about 1,300 American and international companies, 30 government agencies and some 250 organisations of trade, labor, professionals, consumers, etc.