Tektronix, Inc.
Number of terms: 20560
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Tektronix provides test and measurement instruments, solutions and services for the computer, semiconductor, military/aerospace, consumer electronics and education industries worldwide.
Length of time (in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames) that a particular effect or section of audio or video material lasts.
Broadcasting TV signals that comply with a digital standard by cable (ETS 300 429).
A receiving decoder that can automatically configure itself using the MPEG-2 programme Specific Information (PSI).
A) These effects are found in special effects generators which employ digital signal processing to create two or three dimensional wipe effects. DVE generators are getting less expensive and the kind of effects they create getting more popular. The Digital Video Mixer includes such effects. b) A “black box” which digitally manipulates the video to create special effects, for example, the ADO (Ampex Digital Optics) system. Common DVE effects include inverting the picture, shrinking it, moving it around within the frame of another picture, spinning it, and a great many more.
This distortion is present when picture or sync pulse luminance amplitude is affected by APL changes. This is different from APL induced Transient Gain Distortions which only occur at the APL change transition time. Rather, this distortion refers to gain changes that occur after the APL has changed. The amount of distortion is usually expressed as a percent of the amplitude at 50% APL, although sometimes the overall variation in IRE units is quoted. This is an out-of-service test. This distortion causes picture brightness to seem incorrect or inconsistent as the scene changes.
One of several distortions (long-time waveform distortions is another) that may be introduced when, at the sending end of a television facility, the average picture level (APL) of a video signal is stepped from a low value to a high value, or vice versa, when the operating point within the transfer characteristic of the system is affected, thereby introducing distortions on the receiving end.
Memory devices whose stored data must be continually refreshed to avoid degradation. Each bit is stored as a charge on a single MOS capacitor. Because of charge leakage in the transistors, dynamic memory must be refreshed every 2 ms by rewriting its entire contents. Normally, this does not slow down the system but does require additional memory refresh logic.
The standard database of approved, registered Metadata Keys, their definitions, and their allowed formats.
A mike in which the diaphragm moves a coil suspended in a magnetic field to generate an output voltage proportional to the sound pressure level.
A) A circuit’s signal range. b) An audio term which refers to the range between the softest and loudest levels a source can produce without distortion. c) The difference, in decibels, between the overload level and the minimum acceptable signal level in a system or transducer. d) The ratio of two instantaneous signal magnitudes, one being the maximum value consistent with specified criteria or performance, the other the maximum value of noise. e) The concept of dynamic range is applicable to many measurements beyond characterization of the video signal, and the ratios may also be expressed as f-stops, density differences, illumination, or luminance ratios, etc.