Palomar Community College
Отрасли: Education
Number of terms: 12355
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1946, Palomar College is a public two-year community college in the city of San Marcos, located in north San Diego County, California. Palomar offers over 300 associate degree, certificate programs and is designated by the U.S. Department of Education as an Hispanic-Serving Institution ...
Penyakit yang berlangsung lama waktu atau tanpa batas. Sebaliknya, penyakit akut adalah satu dengan onset cepat dan kursus pendek tapi biasanya parah.
A relative dating method based on the fact that bones buried in the ground progressively lose nitrogen and gain fluorine and other trace elements. The rate at which these changes occur depends on the local environment. If two bones from the same site have markedly different amounts of nitrogen and fluorine, it is a strong indication that they did not come from the same time period. The bone with the least amount of nitrogen and the greatest amount of fluorine is most likely the oldest.
A fold of skin over the inner corner of each eyelid. This is characteristic of normal East Asians (see photo on right). It is also typical of people with Down syndrome from any population in the world. The presence of epicanthic folds does not imply Down's.
A form of non-random mating in which individuals who are alike for particular traits mate and those who are not alike do not. The result is a progressive increase in the frequency of homozygotes and a decrease in the heterozygotes for the discriminated traits. See negative assortative mating, consanguineous mating, and random mating.
A cell that has a true nucleus and that divides by mitosis. Complex single celled creatures such as protozoa as well as all multicelled plants and animals are primarily eukaryotes. With the exception of red blood cells, human cells are eukaryotic. See prokaryotic cell.
A sequence of three nucleotide bases in a DNA or RNA molecule that code for a specific type of amino acid that will be used in the synthesis of a protein.
A magical practice based on the principle that like causes like. For those who believe that this works, it would be possible to cause another person or animal harm by making an image of them and doing something to harm the image such as painting a spear sticking into the body. The animal of whom the image is a likeness would supposedly suffer the same effects. The Cro-Magnon cave paintings of animals being wounded or pregnant was very likely attempts to use sympathetic magic to cause the same effects on the real animals. Sympathetic magic is also called imitative magic.
Perubahan genetik populasi organisme yang terjadi dari waktu ke waktu. Istilah ini juga sering digunakan untuk merujuk kepada munculnya spesies baru. Lebih khusus lagi, itu adalah perubahan pada frekuensi alel dalam populasi lungkang gen dari satu generasi ke depan.
日付イベント、予定表などのユニバーサル タイム スケールに関連して時系列順に配置です。通常そのような日付の前に、または後のスタート地点のカレンダーの年の数の面で与えられています。例えば、1950 b. C. だった 1950 年現在一般的に使用がグレゴリオ暦のカレンダーの開始日の前に。クロノメーター出会い系メソッドの書かれたレコード、年輪年代学、および放射のメソッドを使用しています。相対日付を参照してください。