- Отрасли: Chemistry
- Number of terms: 265
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Сюжет інфрачервоний детектор відповідь порівнянні з оптичним шлях різницю. Фундаментальні вимірювання отримано метрів ІК є на interferogram. Interferograms є Фур'є перетворені, дати інфрачервоного спектрів.
Для interferogram це співвідношення великих centerburst сигналу на ZOPD до найменшого записані сигнал (який має бути більшим за шум для будь-яких вигод від сигнал, усереднення). A/D використовується має бути достатньою точністю виміряти весь діапазон як будь-який відсікання або найбільших сигналу впливає на весь спектр.
The mirror displacement at which the optical path difference for the two beams in an interferometer is zero. At ZPD, ZOPD, the detector signal is often very large, the centerburst.
The mirror displacement at which the optical path difference for the two beams in an interferometer is zero. At ZPD, ZOPD, the detector signal is often very large, the centerburst.
An aperture placed in the beam to restrict the divergence to the maximum compatible with the selected resolution. When choosing lower resolution you can improve the S/N by opening the stop. Note that in many instances there is no physically separate stop but there will be some aperture, be it the source size, or the detector active area, that acts as the system J stop.
An aperture placed in the beam to restrict the divergence to the maximum compatible with the selected resolution. When choosing lower resolution you can improve the S/N by opening the stop. Note that in many instances there is no physically separate stop but there will be some aperture, be it the source size, or the detector active area, that acts as the system J stop.
1/wavelength, the units of wavenumbers are cm-1, and are most commonly used as the X axis unit in infrared spectra.
1 µm = 1,000 nm = 10,000 cm-1
5 µm = 5,000 nm = 2,000 cm-1
A spectral manipulation technique where the absorbances of a reference spectrum are subtracted from the absorbances of a sample spectrum. The idea is to remove the bands due to the reference material from the sample spectrum. This is done by simply calculating the difference in absorbance between the two spectra, then plotting this difference versus wavenumber. The reference spectrum is often multiplied by a subtraction factor so that the reference material bands subtract out properly.
A sampling method where the infrared beam passes through the sample before it is detected. Samples are typically diluted or flattened to adjust the absorbance values to a measurable range.