- Отрасли: Language
- Number of terms: 220363
- Number of blossaries: 0
- Company Profile:
MICRA, Inc. is a small corporation in New Jersey primarily concerned with building lexical databases for use in Natural Language Understanding.
A kind of pack saddle used in the American military service and among the Spanish Americans. It is made of leather stuffed with hay, moss, or the like.
A room in a building; a division in a house, separated from others by partitions.
That point in the orbit of a double star where the smaller star is farthest from its primary.
Want of feeling; privation of passion, emotion, or excitement; dispassion; -- applied either to the body or the mind. As applied to the mind, it is a calmness, indolence, or state of indifference, incapable of being ruffled or roused to active interest or exertion by pleasure, pain, or passion.
Native phosphate of lime, occurring usually in six-sided prisms, color often pale green, transparent or translucent.
A quadrumanous mammal, esp. of the family Simiadae, having teeth of the same number and form as in man, having teeth of the same number and form as in man, and possessing neither a tail nor cheek pouches. The name is applied esp. to species of the genus Hylobates, and is sometimes used as a general term for all Quadrumana. The higher forms, the gorilla, chimpanzee, and ourang, are often called anthropoid apes or man apes.