Bloomberg L.P.
Отрасли: Financial services
Number of terms: 73910
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
World's leading financial information-service, news, and media company.
In the context of hedge funds, a style of management that combines many different types of hedge fund investing such as merger arbitrage, distressed securities and high yield investing, in conjunction with an important "event" that is supposed to unlock firm value (like a merger announcement, earnings announcement, or a regulator decision).
Industry:Financial services
The risk that the ability of an issuer to make interest and principal payments will change because of rare, discontinuous, and very large, unanticipated changes in the market environment such as (1) a natural or industrial accident or some regulatory change or (2) a takeover, or corporate restructuring.
Industry:Financial services
A statistical study that examines how the release of information affects prices at a particular time.
Industry:Financial services
Contractually specified events that allow lenders to demand immediate repayment of a debt.
Industry:Financial services
Fifth letter of a Nasdaq stock symbol specifying that an issue has not met the reporting date for the company's SEC regulatory filing requirements.
Industry:Financial services
Revolving credit without maturity.
Industry:Financial services
See: European Australian and Far East index
Industry:Financial services
A British term referring to the gradual injection of capital into a new or existing enterprise.
Industry:Financial services
See: European Association of Securities Dealers
Industry:Financial services
seller's only responsibility is to make the ordered goods available to the buyer at the seller's premises. The buyer bears the cost and risk in transporting the goods from the seller's premises to destination. Since this includes pre- carriage and export clearance in the seller's country, EXW is not a very practical Incoterm for U.S. exports.
Industry:Financial services