British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Отрасли: Broadcasting & receiving
Number of terms: 5074
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The largest broadcasting organisation in the world.
Dovere di combustibile è la tassa che il governo imposte sul carburante utilizzato per il trasporto, imposta sul punto vendita.
Industry:Natural environment
L'iniezione di biossido di carbonio in formazioni geologiche sotterranee. Quando la CO2 viene iniettata in declinando campi petroliferi può aiutare a recuperare più dell'olio.
Industry:Natural environment
自然和工业气体的热量从地球和温暖的表面。京都议定书 》 限制的六种温室气体排放量: 自然 (二氧化碳、 一氧化二氮和甲烷) 和工业 (全氟化碳、 氢氟碳化物和六氟化硫)。
Industry:Natural environment
灰色水是废物水从浴池、 淋浴、 洗衣机、 洗碗机等等-换句话说,水,一直在家中,但不包含身体废物-可以重用为草坪和花园灌溉,说,或为冲水式厕所。
Industry:Natural environment
Electrically powered systems that tap the stable, residual heat stored immediately below the surface of the earth to provide heating and hot water for homes and offices. Also known as geothermal heat pumps. See also geothermal energy.
Industry:Natural environment
硬木来自通常 (但不是总是) 落叶阔叶树。他们通常是的 (但也有例外) 密度比软木,来自针叶树。因为硬木一般比针叶树材更有弹性,他们常用于制作家具和地板,和在建筑、 特别为外部工作。热带硬木的使用是砍伐森林、 贡献与气候变化和生物多样性减少。
Industry:Natural environment
The name given to a graph published in 1998 plotting the average temperature in the Northern hemisphere over the last 1,000 years. The line remains roughly flat until the last 100 years, when it bends sharply upwards. The graph has been cited as evidence to support the idea that global warming is a man-made phenomenon, but some scientists have challenged the data and methodology used to estimate historical temperatures. (It is also known as MBH98 after its creators, Michael E. Mann, Raymond S. Bradley and Malcolm K. Hughes.)
Industry:Natural environment
A hybrid car is one that has both a petrol engine and an electric motor and switches between them according to the driving conditions. It is different from a dual-fuel vehicle, which uses two types of liquid fuel.
Industry:Natural environment
Hydrocarbons are compounds made up of hydrogen and carbon only. All fossil fuels - such as coal, oil and gas - are hydrocarbons, until they are burnt when they mix with oxygen, creating (amongst other gases) CO2.
Industry:Natural environment
水电 (或水力发电) 是发电使用下降水的力量。
Industry:Natural environment