Accounting Institute Seminars, Inc.
Отрасли: Accounting
Number of terms: 7464
Number of blossaries: 0
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Is the simultaneous performance of multiple operations, usually in reference to computer systems.
An extra bit added to a string of bits to increase the accuracy of data transmission.
A sequence of characters required to gain access to a computer system. Passwords are used to restrict computer system access to only authorised persons.
Department that determines amounts of wage or salary due to each employee.
A practise monitoring programme in which the audit documentation of one CPA firm is periodically reviewed by independent partners of other firms to determine that it conforms to the standards of the profession.
An allowance for daily expenses. Often used to reimburse employees for estimated expenses as opposed to accounting for each small component of the expenses.
Includes items of continuing accounting significance, such as the analysis of balance sheet accounts and contingencies. Such information from a prior year is used in the current audit and updated each year. Sometimes called the continuing file.
Carry out an action such as a crime.
An inventory accounting system updated for each addition to inventory and each issuance from inventory, so the records indicate the exact quantity on hand at any moment. The alternative is a periodic inventory system where actual inventory on hand is determined only once a year.
Of individuals present assets and liabilities at estimated current value on an individual's balance sheet (statement of financial condition). A statement of changes in net worth presents major changes in net worth during a period. The accrual basis is used for assets and liabilities, which are presented in order of liquidity and maturity, without classification as to current and noncurrent. The cash value of life insurance less the amount of loans against it is an asset. Deferred income tax on the difference between the income tax basis and estimated current values is presented between liabilities and equity.