Company: Другое
Created by: federica.masante
Number of Blossarys: 31
English (EN)
Italian (IT)
Armenian (HY)
Romanian (RO)
English, UK (UE)
Latvian (LV)
Arabic (AR)
Russian (RU)
Japanese (JA)
Greek (EL)
Serbian (SR)
A syndicate is a group of lottery players who play together as a team, sharing both the cost of playing as well as the prizes.
A sample ticket is a lottery ticket that is given to lottery retailers so that it can be introduced to the players.
Reversals is a term for scratch tickets that have mistakenly been printed on the back two times. One time in each direction.
When a problem or a mistake has been made on a lottery game, sometimes the game will be removed from the retailers and recalled.
A prize pool is the total amount of money that is available to be divided among the winners in a lottery game or drawing.
A prize is usually the cash that lottery players win when they match the winning lotto numbers.
Powerball is a multi-state lottery game. The powerball is also the extra number feature of the game where players can win extra cash prizes by purhchasing the powerball feature.