Created by: Zelenka
Number of Blossarys: 2
- English (EN)
- Czech (CS)
- Spanish (ES)
- Tamil (TA)
- Albanian (SQ)
- Serbian (SR)
- Arabic (AR)
- Polish (PL)
- Greek (EL)
- Italian (IT)
- Russian (RU)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Farsi (FA)
- Filipino (TL)
- French (FR)
- Hindi (HI)
- Romanian (RO)
- Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
- Bosnian (BS)
- Thai (TH)
- Spanish, Latin American (XL)
- Macedonian (MK)
- Vietnamese (VI)
- Latvian (LV)
- Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
- Igbo (IG)
- Portuguese (PT)
- Armenian (HY)
- Chinese, Hong Kong (ZH)
- Czech (CS)
- Spanish (ES)
- Tamil (TA)
- Albanian (SQ)
- Serbian (SR)
- Arabic (AR)
- Polish (PL)
- Greek (EL)
- Italian (IT)
- Russian (RU)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Farsi (FA)
- Filipino (TL)
- French (FR)
- Hindi (HI)
- Romanian (RO)
- Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
- Bosnian (BS)
- Thai (TH)
- Spanish, Latin American (XL)
- Macedonian (MK)
- Vietnamese (VI)
- Latvian (LV)
- Portuguese, Brazilian (PB)
- Igbo (IG)
- Portuguese (PT)
- Armenian (HY)
- Chinese, Hong Kong (ZH)
Σύμβαση, τα ίδια έννοια της συμφωνίας, μια εμπορική σύμβαση αυτή είναι μια εμπορική συμφωνία
Umowy, takie samo znaczenie porozumienia, umowa handlowa jest to umowa handlowa
العقد، ومعنى نفس الاتفاق، عقد تجاري وهذا اتفاق تجاري
Contract, same meaning of agreement, a commercial contract this is a commercial agreement
Contract, same meaning of agreement, a commercial contract this is a commercial agreement
ஒப்பந்த, ஒப்பந்தத்தின் அதே அர்த்தப்படுத்தி, ஒரு வர்த்தக ஒப்பந்தம் இது ஒரு வர்த்தக ஒப்பந்தம் ...
Контракт, таке ж значення угоди, комерційний контракт це комерційна угода