Главная > Blossary: Information Technology
The entire spectrum of technologies for information processing, including software, hardware, communications technologies and related services. In general, information technology (IT) does not include embedded technologies that do not generate data for enterprise use.

Категория: Technology

Company: Gartner

1778 Terms

Created by: consultant

Number of Blossarys: 2

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Capacity utilization is the production of a fab divided by its maximum potential production.

Domain: Technology; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Information technology

Captive centers are client-owned-and-operated service delivery centers, typically in a nondomestic, low-cost location, that provide service resources directly to their organization. The personnel in ...

Domain: Technology; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Information technology

The Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) is a standards-based organization designed to interoperate technologies. The CCC is the result of the evolution of the Terminal Mode initiative, which was ...

Domain: Technology; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Information technology

Care delivery organizations (CDO) are legal entities whose primary mission is the delivery of healthcare-related products and services.

Domain: Technology; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Information technology

Cargo portals are Internet-based protected websites that enable partners in a transportation community to query maritime vessel operators or air cargo carriers for real-time space availability and ...

Domain: Technology; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Information technology

Carrier frequency is defined as the frequency of a carrier wave, measured in cycles per second, or Hertz, that is modulated to transmit signals.

Domain: Technology; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Information technology

Carrier network infrastructure (CNI) can be defined as a combination of the following basic functions: Voice switching, control and applications Optical transport Service provider routers and ...

Domain: Technology; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Information technology

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A computing practice whereby scalable and elastic ...

Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Technology

By: consultant