Created by: evergreen1225
Number of Blossarys: 6
Originally refers to the combat deployment of the army that can not retreat, only in the case of war, the soldiers will go forward courageously, the enemy to win. After the metaphor cut off the ...
Meaning that everything must start from the most basic
隱藏鋒芒,修養心性,待時而發 其一,“韜光養晦”是一種低調做人的行為模式。低調做人以利於冷靜觀察,縝密思考,進而統攬全局,謀劃未來,是一種戰略行為模式。 其二,“韜光養晦”思想既適用於困境或逆境之中,也適用於成功或勝利之時。 其三,“韜光養晦”思想的深刻內涵在於埋頭苦幹,積蓄力量,著眼長遠。從這個意義上說,“韜光養晦”是“有所作為”的重要前提。 ...
By: evergreen1225