Home > Blossary: Historical Terms


2 Terms

Created by: melisa

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

The Taochi were the people known formerly to the Urartians as Diauehi (Diauhi, Daiaeni) and they lived in Northeastern part of Anatolia in ancient times. According to Xenophon they called themselves Armenians.

Domain: History; Category: World history

Taoki ishin njerëzit e njohur më parë si Urartians dhe si Diauehi (Diauhi, Daiaeni) dhe ata jetonin në pjesën verilindore të Anadollit në kohët e lashta. Sipas Ksenofonit ata e quajtën veten armenë.

Domain: History; Category: World history

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