Категория: Languages
Created by: DeesD1
Number of Blossarys: 2
Um armazém é um grande prédio onde as mercadorias são armazenadas, e onde eles podem ser catalogados, enviado ou recebido, dependendo do tipo. O termo holandês 'warenhuis' é algo compeltely ...
倉庫は、大規模な建物物品が格納されカタログ化が、出荷、または受信日時、種類に応じてです。'Warenhuis' は何かオランダの言葉全く異なる、すなわち、百貨店、従ってどこで買い物に行くことができます場所。オランダでの倉庫は、'pakhuis' ...
Rare in English means infrequently occurring, uncommon, a rare event, excellent, extraordinary. The almost similar Dutch word 'raar' has a slightly negative connotation and means weird, strange.
The term ordinary means usual, of no exceptional ability, degree, or quality. Its synonym is the term common. The almost similar Dutch word 'ordinair' has a slightly more negative connotation and ...
A warehouse is a large building where goods are stored, and where they may be catalogued, shipped, or received, depending upon the type. The Dutch term 'warenhuis' is something compeltely different, ...
The Dutch word registeraccountant, although it sounds English should be translated into charted accountant or registered accountant in the English language.
If you eat something 'uit de hand', you eat it unprocessed, like an apple. If you want to use the image of someone taking a bite, simply say he/she is taking a bite. The English phrase out of hand ...