Категория: Entertainment
Created by: stanley soerianto
Number of Blossarys: 107
English (EN)
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Swedish (SV)
Malon has appeared in several games in the series, and is almost always found at Lon Lon Ranch with her father Talon. Like the series' protagonist, Link, and its namesake, Princess Zelda, Malon ...
Guru-Guru is a bald, bearded man who's always seen playing the "Song of Storms" on what looks like an organ grinder. He first appears in Ocarina of Time where he's found inside the ...
Great Fairies appear in all of the games as giant fairies that reside in springs called "Great Fairy's Fountains". They are much older than other fairies, and are thus much more ...
Biggoron, like his name suggests, is a Goron who is approximately the size of a mountain. He first appears in Ocarina of Time, where he can be found sitting atop Death Mountain, scratching at his dry ...
Beedle, also known as Terry in different localizations of the games, is a traveling merchant who sells Link numerous items to help aid him as well sometimes exotic items. He also values his consumers ...
Anju first appears in Ocarina of Time but is unnamed and generally referred to as the "Cucco Lady." She resides in Impa's old house in Kakariko Village. She says that she is allergic to ...
Tingle is a middle-aged man obsessed with fairies.[8] He wears a green bodysuit, reminiscent of Link's tunic. He made his first appearance in Majora's Mask, where he was found ...