Главная > Blossary: Bugs we played as children
Growing up in an era before computers and the internet, we played outdoors and, as boys, often with bugs. Here is an attempt to list some of the bugs we played with when we were small.

Категория: Animals

6 Terms

Created by: Teditor

Number of Blossarys: 3

My Terms
Collected Terms

亞洲大黃蜂是世界上最危險的昆蟲之一 — — 它會導致更多的死亡,比任何其他蜜蜂品種。

Domain: Animals; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Insects

亞洲天牛是一隻大黑甲蟲帶有大約 20 的白色斑點它閃亮的背,以及兩個獨特,很長的天線。 甲蟲是原產于中國東部,通常稱為老牛甲蟲是當地的孩子因為它類似于以其長長的角和敦實的微型農場牛。 成人亞洲天牛甲蟲可以達到 1.5 英寸 (4 釐米) 或者更多的長度。 他們是能飛為短的距離,這是他們首選的方法來獲取到樹上,以樹葉為食。 他們最喜歡的樹是在中國的許多城市無處不在的中國楊樹。 成人的腿的上部部分是白 ...

Domain: Animals; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Insects

The spiny oak slug is a vivid green caterpillar in the family Limacodidae about 3/4" (2 cm) long when mature. 毛毛蟲有多彩機構 (顏色的差別),有多刺的結節,沿背部和兩側形成。 刺有輕微的觸碰,這可能會導致痛苦的皮膚反應所釋放的有毒毒液。 縮短了他們的腿和斑紋會減少為吸盤。 他們吃各種各樣 ...

Domain: Animals; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Insects

The Asian Giant Hornet is one of the most dangerous insects in the world - it results in more deaths than any other Bee species.

Domain: Animals; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Insects

The Asian Longhorned Beetle is a large black beetle with roughly 20 white spots on its shiny back as well as two distinctive and very long antennae. The beetle is native to Eastern China and is often ...

Domain: Animals; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Insects

The spiny oak slug is a vivid green caterpillar in the family Limacodidae about 3/4" (2 cm) long when mature. The caterpillar has a colorful body (colors vary enormously) with spiny tubercules along ...

Domain: Animals; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Insects

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