Contributors in Общая астрономия

General astronomy

угловыe минуты

Астрономия; Общая астрономия

There are 60 minutes (denoted as 60') of arc in 1 degree. In the sky, with an unobstructed horizon (as on the ocean), one can see about 180 degrees of sky at once, and there are 90 degrees from the ...


Астрономия; Общая астрономия

The size of the primary optical surface of an astronomical instrument (telescope), usually given in inches, centimeters, or meters. In the case of a reflecting telescope, the aperture usually refers ...


Астрономия; Общая астрономия

The careful, precise measurement of astronomical objects, usually made with respect to standard catalogues of star positions. For comet orbit computations, astrometry good to 1" or 2" (1 or 2 arc ...


Астрономия; Общая астрономия

Угловое расстояние измеряется по часовой стрелке вокруг горизонт наблюдателя в единицах градусов; Астрономы обычно занимает север в 0 градусов, Восток, чтобы быть 90 градусов, Юг быть 180 градусов и ...


Астрономия; Общая астрономия

The center of mass of a system of bodies, such as the solar system. When a comet, for example, is well outside the orbit of Neptune (the farthest major planet), it sees the sun and major planets ...

прибор с зарядовой связью (ПЗС)

Астрономия; Общая астрономия

A very sensitive electronic device that is revolutionizing astronomy in the 1990s. CCD cameras are composed of silicon chips that are sensitive to light, changing detected photons of light into ...

астрономическая единица (а.е.)

Астрономия; Общая астрономия

Approximately equal to the mean earth-sun distance, which is about 150,000,000 km or 93,000,000 miles. Formally, the AU is actually slightly less than the earth's mean distance from the sun ...

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