Contributors in Общее искусствоведение

General art history


Искусствоведение; Общее искусствоведение

Term applied to particularly pure form of classicism that emerged from about 1750 following discovery of Roman ruins of Pompeii and publication 1764 of highly influential history of ancient art by ...


Искусствоведение; Общее искусствоведение

Термин иногда применяется к работе Роберт Раушенберг и Джаспер Джонс в Нью-Йорке в конце 1950-х из-за их использования коллаж, ассамбляж и найденных материалов и их очевидно анти-эстетического ...


Искусствоведение; Общее искусствоведение

This term came into use about 1980 to describe the international phenomenon of a major revival of painting in an Expressionist manner. It was seen as a reaction to the Minimalism and Conceptual art ...


Искусствоведение; Общее искусствоведение

Short for Neo-Geometric Conceptualism. This term came into use in the early 1980s in America to describe the work of Peter Halley, Ashley Bickerton, Jeff Koons and others. Halley in particular was ...


Искусствоведение; Общее искусствоведение

Neo-Impressionism is the specific name given to the Post-Impressionist work of Seurat and Signac and their followers. Both Camille and Lucien Pissarro had a Neo-Impressionist phase and their work ...


Искусствоведение; Общее искусствоведение

Term adopted by the Dutch pioneer of abstract art, Mondrian, for his own type of abstract painting. From Dutch de nieuwe beelding. Basically means new art (painting and sculpture are plastic arts). ...


Искусствоведение; Общее искусствоведение

Term applied to the imaginative and often quite abstract landscape based painting of Paul Nash, Graham Sutherland and others in the late 1930s and 1940s. Their work often included figures, was ...

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