Главная > Blossary: Economics Glossary
A concise English-French glossary of economic terms


Company: Goldman Sachs Group

41 Terms

Created by: pworthington

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

Appraisal is defined as when a teacher‟s work is reviewed by the principal, an external inspector or by his or her colleagues. This appraisal can be conducted in a range of ways from a more formal, ...

Domain: Economy; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Economics

Le taux de rendement mesure le rendement, dans le temps, relativement aux coûts de l'investissement initial relatif à l'éducation. Plus spécifiquement, le taux interne de rendement fiscal est égal au ...

Domain: Economy; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Economics

The rate of return represents a measure of the returns obtained, over time, relative to the costs of the initial investment in education. More specifically, the fiscal internal rate of return is ...

Domain: Economy; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Economics

Par revenus du travail, on entend les revenus monétaires annuels, c’est-à-dire les revenus directs avant impôt perçus à titre de rémunération pour le travail effectué. Les revenus provenant d’autres ...

Domain: Economy; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Economics

Earnings are annual money earnings as direct payment for labour services provided, before taxes. Income from other sources, such as government social transfers, investment income, net increase in the ...

Domain: Economy; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Economics

La consommation finale des services publics correspond à la valeur des biens et services acquis pour leur propre usage, c’est-à-dire la valeur de leur production brute diminuée de la valeur de leurs ...

Domain: Economy; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Economics

Final consumption expenditure of government services is the value of goods and services produced for their own use on current account, i.e., the value of their gross output less the value of their ...

Domain: Economy; Отрасль/сфера деятельности: Economics

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